5G is the fifth generation of cellular communications. This means that some territory is divided into cells, where antennas are located in the center. Communication is provided by transmitting data between antennas using some technology.
There were fourth, third and first generation cellular communication technologies prior to 5G. However, it is the 5th generation and the prospect of launching other new generations excite the minds.
Most readers will immediately think of super fast internet if 5G is mentioned. In theory, the speed of the Internet should be ten times higher compared to the previous generation. However, to achieve such performance is possible only when using a certain frequency spectrum. Each frequency is characterized by the ability to penetrate through matter and bend around objects.
So, the frequencies that the 5G technology uses do not overcome obstacles well. This forces the antennas to be placed hundreds of meters apart. But even air humidity can greatly affect the speed of the Internet. This negates all the advantages of technology. For a simple user, 4G works more stable and reliable.
However, the speed of the Internet is not at all the main feature that you should pay attention to. A very important parameter is the number of devices that can be connected per square kilometer. If we compare the 4th generation with the 5th, then in the first case it was possible to connect up to 100K devices simultaneously. 5G technology allows you to connect 1B devices at once. This is a great opportunity to equip a modern production facility with a million sensors and connect them to a network. The network of devices that are able to collect, analyze and generate commands is called the Internet of Things (IoT).
The indoors can guarantee the constancy of the external conditions. Partitions and walls can be designed to take into account the location of the antennas. As a result, millions of data can be collected, analyzed and corrected. Management can reduce personnel costs,reduce electricity consumption, guarantee the safety of personnel and the environment etc.
by Risher Panir,